Yesterday, the electric was off after lunch, so I went home. I decided to make something, so I stopped by Soul Shop which sells sewing elements but it was closed. I thought the lady was taking nap. After arriving home, I had no ideas to do anything, just surfed web and watched film.
Yesterday was Him's birthday. He's a close friend of mine and Dix. I invited them for dinner. We ate Phan Rang dishes. It's so delicious.
At 8 pm, I had a video chat with my uncle from USA. I could see him and his wife clearly. They look younger than their ages but I know they are getting old day by day and their health is worse. I worry about that. They have son and daughters but they're far away from them, so how can they take care of parents?
Ah, I want to create a new blog which is just about my crafty work. I'm thinking of it every time. Well,....
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